Whelp. Sorry, Ianto. I completely forgot your chest. Dunno how that happened. I’m the effing worst. No refunds.
Whelp. Sorry, Ianto. I completely forgot your chest. Dunno how that happened. I’m the effing worst. No refunds.
I’m so sorry, Krysta. I made your tongue way too big and way too gross. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. No refunds.
I’m sorry, Ronald. I-I honestly don’t know what happened here. No refunds.
I’m sorry, Sam. Not only does this not look like you, it’s also a really crappy drawing. So it’s a double fail. No refunds.
I’m so sorry, Sabrina. This is not what you look like at all. I think I got Sabrina The Teenage Witch in my head. But that’s no excuse because Sabrina the Teenage Witch doesn’t look like what I drew. I’m the worst.