I’m sorry, Jake. Not only is your head shape wrong, but I drew a mustache on you. I don’t know why. I think I panicked? I hope you’re not mad. No refunds.
I’m sorry, Amanda. Tom paid me to draw a caricature of you, but all the proportions came out wrong. Sad thing is, this isn’t the first time. No refunds.
I’m sorry, Jean-Christophe. Lauren paid me to draw a caricature of you, but it ended up looking really doofy. My bad. Please don’t be mad at Lauren. She didn’t know. No refunds.
I’m sorry, Chad. I tried to capture your badass wrestling persona, but instead I made this weird, lopsided drawing that is really unflattering. My apologies. No refunds.
I’m sorry, Elijah. You didn’t say who you wanted me to draw in your order. So I drew the guy on the right. I hope I got it right. Either way, no refunds.
I’m sorry, Neyssa. You said, “make me look as cute as you can” but unfortunately, this is as good as I can do. I hope you’re not upset. You’re much cuter than this. I’m just awful at caricatures. No refunds.
I’m sorry, Liz. I drew your eyes looking in two different directions. So you look crazy. I’m sure you’re not crazy in real life. I’m just clueless. Please forgive me. No refunds.